Orpheus Business Personality Inventory™

How Important Is Integrity For You?

The OBPI (Orpheus Business Personality Inventory) is a work-based psychometric assessment of personality and integrity. It includes the big-five OCEAN dimensions and seven integrity scales assessing Proficiency, Work Orientation, Patience, Fairmindedness, Loyalty and Initiative.

Developed by Prof. John Rust in the University of Cambridge, OBPI is the most “versatile” personality profile tool available on the market today. The statistically robust and defensible test combines a workplace version of the wellknown Big Five personality scales with seven additional scales of integrity. The inclusion of structures in such a detailed way enables the creation of very rich and sophisticated story reports that give immediate results to both participants and managers.
OBPI is perfectly suited for use in many different professional scenarios and can be applied to groups of all sizes online.

All these features make OBPI an incredibly powerful and cost effective tool to inform a business about its employees.
OBPI Can Be Used In:
Learning and Development
Supply Chain Assessment
Personal Awareness Training
Culture Assessment
Organizational Risk