The world standard in measuring 'Solving Complex Problems'.
Raven’s is a gold standard, highly trusted assessment that helps organizations measure
cognitive abilities required for performing in job roles and training courses such as,
lateral thinking, learning new concepts, quickly solving complex problems and tasks
without drawing on prior knowledge.
The ability to solve complex problems ranks first in the skills set for the 4th Industrial
Revolution. New technologies that we encounter every day make our lives easier.
However, it also brings new problems that we do not know and have not experienced
With the "Gold Standard" Raven's Progressive Martices™ you can measure the ability of
your candidates and employees to get the right meaning every time from complex
situations and assess skills to find new and unique solutions to the problems they
encounter for the first time.
Raven's Progressive
Matrices™ has been the
subject of over 2500
academic studies.
With Raven's Standard Progressing Matrices™, you can evaluate your candidates and
employees from new graduates to manager positions.
With Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices ™, you can evaluate your candidates or
employees, from manager positions to CEO.